
My Axioms – Simple sayings by Alfred

Seek and you shall find – Simple sayings by Alfred. Some old sayings that are a great source of inspiration to me: Raat bar ka hai mehman andhera Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining No war is won by winning all battles (my own) Life is a game. Recognise the game at…


Guru Purnima

Guru Purnima – VinayAvanata to all those from whom I learnt and imbibed values and principles My mother for simple living and wisdom and the habit of reading My Father for being fearless My sister Julie who encouraged me always, besides being like a mother to me My wife Nalini who taught me that “You…


Man’s Greed – Destruction or Progress

Progress or destruction – Simple sayings by Alfred Its a matter of Perspective Mostly a matter of “What’s in it for me “ (WIIFM) “ I had once heard someone say: “There is no end to Man’s Greed” “One man’s Food is another man’s Poison” What is “Greater Larger Good” “All things, Great & Small”…


Progress or Distruction

Progress or distruction – Simple sayings by Alfred Its a matter of Perspective Mostly a matter of “What’s in it for me “(WIIFM)“ I had once heard someone say “There is no end to Man’s Greed” One man’s Food is another man’s Poison; What is “Greater Larger Good” “All things, Great & Small” Yet, how…


Guru Purnima

Sincere gratitude and abeyance to all those from whom I learnt and imbibed values and principles My mother for simple living and wisdom and the habit of reading My Father for being fearless My sister Julie who encouraged me always, besides being like a mother to me My wife Nalini who taught me that “You…