“Anger Management”
Over a period of time i have realised, these are some of my trigger points that unleash my anger, which gets manifested in many forms.
- Lack of sleep
- Hunger – in my case low sugar levels
- Uncomfortable Clothing, Seating, Temperature, Smell/odour, etc
- Persons demeanour, voice, tone, words, etc
- Lack of preparedness / homework
- Unrest/issues at home
- Delays
- Long queues

(add your own list of trigger points)
My best »antidote« to all this, to prevent anger from setting in, is to watch for these triggers and know that they are all well within my control to ignore
Ignore what i cannot control : all factors of the other person and environment
the Stoics said:
Control your perceptions
Direct your actions properly.
Willingly accept what’s outside your control.
copy paste this last para into your smart phone
Simple Sayings by Alfred