
Deadlines – simple sayings by alfred

Just Be – simple sayings by alfred Deadlines, are they manmade or natural? Who invented time. Nobody actually. Man only invented a method to measure time. Time was and is truly timeless Right from the Big Bang till today, time is ticking. We don’t even know for sure if there was one Big Bang or…


‘Letting Go’ simple sayings by alfred

“Let Go” in everything you do. Yes it’s that simple After the great rains, the lion was faced with crossing the river that had encircled him. Swimming was not his nature; but it was either cross or die. The lion roared and charged the river, almost drowning before he retreated. Many more times he attacked…


Sing and Dance always – simple sayings by alfred

Today saw the following link shared by a friend about his dad’s favorite song: The classic, “Singing in the rain” by Gene Kelly My own favorite is Bachpan ka Sawaan : Wrote to my school friend Jaspal and reminded him of the time on our walks to and fro school during the rains.…