
Sometimes to go back in time Inspiration for me – simple sayings by alfred

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Have at least onefriend to shadow you always Loved this poem-Poet not known Sometimes,I feel I want to go back in time…Not to change things, but to feel a couple of things twice.. Sometimes, I wish I was a Baby for a while…Not to be walked in the pram but to see my Mother’s smile…


All Axioms in life need to be reviewed – simple sayings by alfred

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Know Thyself We have all been brought up and educated by Axioms laid down by great thinkers, philosophers and teachers. However, recognize the ones you have adopted and adapted into your own personality for convenience. Like Situational Leadership Principles, we all need to know which axioms to shed and which to use at the appropriate…


Deadlines – simple sayings by alfred

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Just Be – simple sayings by alfred Deadlines, are they manmade or natural? Who invented time. Nobody actually. Man only invented a method to measure time. Time was and is truly timeless Right from the Big Bang till today, time is ticking. We don’t even know for sure if there was one Big Bang or…


In order to truly relish the fruit check the roots of the tree

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many versions of the Truth – simple truth by alfred I have been saying this at all forums and also diligently practiced this in my daily life to truly appreciate, people, phenomena and most of all be inspired by achievements I have been saying this at all forums and also diligently practiced this in my…


‘Letting Go’ simple sayings by alfred

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“Let Go” in everything you do. Yes it’s that simple After the great rains, the lion was faced with crossing the river that had encircled him. Swimming was not his nature; but it was either cross or die. The lion roared and charged the river, almost drowning before he retreated. Many more times he attacked…


Sing and Dance always – simple sayings by alfred

Today saw the following link shared by a friend about his dad’s favorite song: The classic, “Singing in the rain” by Gene Kelly My own favorite is Bachpan ka Sawaan : Wrote to my school friend Jaspal and reminded him of the time on our walks to and fro school during the rains.…


You should be part of a Gang – Simple Sayings by Alfred

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With the early signs of the south west monsoon visiting Mumbai, one of the most prettiest site is the flight of Migratory Birds; Also, the crows, eagles and other birds busy tugging at twigs in your garden for building their nests; Our “Ramu” the friendly lame Crow who visits us daily and eats virtually from…


Technology – Be thankful – simple sayings by alfred

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A bit of nostalgia by alfred Where do I begin. I was rudely woken up by the siri announcing an incoming call while I was asleep listening with my bluetooth headphones. This device alone has made my cutting off my thoughts so easy, to put me to sleep. This simple device has so many technologies…