Not all of us are Blessed to have the company of Children as I am, with my granddaughter Inaaya, who is a source of Joy, Inspiration and Learning. She keeps me on my toes
Next best thing to do is to teach or be a Mentor which necessarily will involve interactions with younger, questioning and often rebellious minds. This also will keep you on your toes.
This morning while with Inaaya, my mind got thinking and here are my thoughts worth sharing and contemplating:
How may in your circle of Friends and Colleagues bring Joy, Inspiration and Learning everytime you are in their company.
It’s simple, seek out and be in their company more often and of course for the rest, seek out new friends. It’s that simple. The next time you see someone without a smile, give her one of yours;
Strike a conversation – Best one liners are done with a genuine compliment and a smile. Try it.

The other day I stretched out my hand for a high five to a hand cart puller who was singing away to glory. Told him, he brought JOY to me.
Just seeing his demeanour while pulling a load in the hot sun and bear foot while I was in an airconditioned chauffeur driven car, no way comparable to his state of JOY. Just made the shift and was able to borrow for free his contagious JOY. It’s that simple, Just the make the shift – All it takes is a second. Try it
Seek and you shall find.
There is cause for JOY all around you.
Be in the KNOW. It’s that simple
Today, I saw new green shoots emerging out in my garden with Inaay in my lap. There is growth and movement all around you.
Simple – Just be in the Rhythm.
Taal seh taal mila (click and enjoy)