My humble understanding of “more” consists of two elements or relative terms
More of what you already are or
Additional dimensions to what you already are
If you admonish the bad driving of a taxi driver, he usually will scorn and say, “are you trying to teach me driving. I have been driving these streets for over 30 years” If only he realized he has been doing this bad driving for 30 years
Are you doing more of the same “Bad driving your life”
Yes, we all are drivers of our human existence. Our Birth Certificate being our driving license
You don’t have to be an automobile engineer to equate at least the vital parts of your body to that of the car parts.
You do not have a lifetime warranty. Nor can you purchase an extended warranty for your body
The entire life of your body is in your hands. You can extend at least the quality of your life
1. Realizing the model and type of body you have. Science now helps with gene mapping. It is better than most astrologers and palmists if you use the inferences and are guided properly to estimate the quality and duration of your body service
2. Yes the body is at your service. Use it as an efficient rider does
3. Focus on your five senses and the rest will obediently be at your command
4. Service and Sharpen your senses all the time. There is no limit and cost to body servicing. and even in some cases retrofitting your body – Most major organs can now be transplanted beyond the obvious cosmetic new look eyes, nose, face lifts, tan, even a new smile

My simple mantra is the following 5 steps:
See right and see more. Alter your gaze and use your eyelids more than what the automatic blinks does for itself. My favorite song that my dad used to hum very often (click and enjoy)
Hear and not merely listen: We are in the information age. You can now listen to almost all lectures, discourses and debates. Be in the trans formative company of Philosophers, poets and artists. Hear while you listen. You have the luxury of replay.
Smell the fragrance: When did you last smell a rose or wild berries or even the leaves on a tree. It’s the best filter you will ever need for cleansing not only your lungs but also your state of mind.
I want to share a trick here.
For all you city dwellers and busy bodies. Visit a nursery now and then. Better still if you gift a flower or a plant
Taste like a pro: Have you seen the chefs taste a dish; a sommelier taste a wine; a tea taster make a blend.
Develop a good taste for everything from the Mundane to the exquisite. Look for the story in everything like when buying a painting or an antique carpet
Feel as if it is your last touch: Have you seen the kisses and hugs at an airport, railway or bus station. My best is when leaving my child and now my granddaughter to the school.
Its never too late. Start hugging your loved ones when leaving and entering the home.
When did you last hug a tree trunk;
Ran your hand through a child’s hair;
Caressed a weeping eye, wiped the tears and feel the pain